Parents Beware! Virtus “Protecting God’s Children” program

In 2002, as a response to the tragic sex abuse scandal, the United States Bishops came forth with a document called the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. We all know it’s extremely important to help raise awareness of child sexual abuse. However, many parents and even some Bishops are questioning the VIRTUS “Protecting God’s Children” program, and the so-called “safe-environment training” which is now being mandated in every Catholic grade school in the United States – beginning in Kindergarten.

Several of the people responsible for creating and implementing this program have ties with pro-death organizations such as the Feminist Majority Foundation and Playboy Magazine, and most of the recommended reading material for children is endorsed by Planned Parenthood.

Parents don’t allow any of one of these programs… Child Lures; Good-Touch/Bad-Touch; Talking about Touching; P.S. It’s My Body and VIRTUS or any of the other so-called “Child safety” programs, to strip away your child’s innocence and your parental rights! The beautiful Vatican document, “The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality”, reminds us that “a child at age 5 to puberty, is in a stage called ‘the years of innocence’ and this period of tranquility and serenity must never be disturbed by unnecessary information about sex.” Parents, it is very critical that you do these 2 things right away:

1. Ask your pastor about this program and tell him your concerns. If you are not satisfied then contact your Diocese. And be sure to talk to other concerned parents.

2. Read the “The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality” and the “Theology of the Body”

“The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality”
“Theology of the Body”
