Religious Education, “Sex Education” & Reviews



  • To read a critique of “Call To Faith”, published by Harcourt Religion Publishers, Orlando,FL – Second, Fifth and Sixth Grade Texts, see: “Call to Faith”
  • To read a critique of “Faith First”, published by Resources For Christian Living, Allen, Texas – Second and Sixth Grade Texts, see: “Faith First”.


  • A Concerned Parent Addresses the Dangers of the “Growing in Love” Curriculum- see:”Growing in Love
  • To read a critique of the Benziger “Family Life” program see: “Benziger Family Life” and Catholic Parents vs The Benziger Sex Education Program.
  • To read a critique of “Blest Are We”, published by Silver Burdett Ginn – see:”Blest Are We
  • To read a critique of “Coming To Faith”, published by William H. Sadlier, Inc, New York, NY – Second Grade Text: “Coming to Jesus” and Fifth Grade Text: “Coming To God’s Life” see: “Coming To Faith
  • To read a critique of “This Is Our Faith”, published by Silver Burdett Ginn, Inc., Parsippany, NJ – Second, Fifth and Sixth Grade Texts, see: “This Is Our Faith
  • “Safe Environment” program: Talking About Touching“.

Recommended Religion Series for High School

  • The Didache High School Textbook Series is excellent. This new high school textbook series is being produced in response to the request from some of the bishops of the United States for a high school series that sufficiently presents the life and doctrine of the Church, and does so in the context of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
    More on the Didache Series

Another Recommended Religion Series for High School

  • Catholicism & Reason, Rev. Edward J. Hayes, Rev. Msgr. Paul J. Hayes & James Drummey
    This first volume in a four part series deals with basic apologetics. Using right reason and logic the authors begin their book by establishing that belief in God is reasonable and that faith and reason, when used correctly, always lead to God Who is Absolute Truth. Having established the reasonableness of faith, the authors then proceed to go through all the articles of the Creed demonstrating the compatibility between Revelation and reason. This volume could be used as part of a four year religion program or it could be used as an excellent text in a CCD class. As with all four volumes, the authors provide solid Catholic doctrine in complete fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. The writing style is always lucid and highly readable.
  • Catholicism & Life, Rev. Edward J. Hayes, Rev. Msgr. Paul J. Hayes & James Drummey
    This second volume in the series provides a comprehensive discussion of the Ten Commandments and the Seven Sacraments.The book begins with an overview of basic morality as found in natural law. Since natural law is universal and is discovered through the correct use of reason, it is perfectly compatible with Revelation. The authors then take a detailed look at each of the Ten Commandments. The second part of the book provides a systematic explanation of each of the sacraments as the principal channels of grace. The authors also include a discussion of sacramentals, explaining how they are similar to and yet different from the sacraments. Again, the presentation is doctrinally solid and stylistically clear. Another excellent book that could be used either alone or as part of a comprehensive survey of the Catholic faith.
  • Catholicism & Society, Rev.Edward J.Hayes, Rev. Msgr. Paul J. Hayes & James Drummey
    The third volume in this series deals with the Catholic faith and society. Man is by nature a social being, so the Church established by Jesus Christ has a lot to say about the relationship between the Gospel and society. This book begins with a discussion of Christ’s universal call to holiness. The principal vocation of every human being is to be holy; in fact, to be a saint. While some are called to the priesthood or religious life, most are called to the vocation of marriage. The book spends a good deal of space discussing the sacredness of marriage and the family which are the foundation of Catholic social teaching. The authors also point out the duties of citizenship and the importance of public morality. The last few chapters of this volume are concerned with various threats to the stability of the family and society, including atheism, especially atheistic ideologies, and cults, principally among them the New Age Movement.
  • Catholicism & Ethics, Rev.Edward J. Hayes, Rev. Msgr. Paul J. Hayes, Dorothy Ellen Kelly, R.N., & James Drummey
    This fourth volume is very timely. Today when we are faced with so many difficult bioethical issues, we need the guidance of the Catholic Church. This excellent book begins with a very fine explanation of the fundamentals of Catholic moral theology, including a review of natural law teaching. Then the authors apply Catholic moral principles to a wide variety of issues, including contraception, abortion, euthanasia, in vitro fertilization, cloning, surrogate motherhood, plastic surgery, and a whole host of other related topics. This volume is of enormous practical value for the student since it arms him or her with the arguments needed to defend the sanctity and dignity of human life from conception to natural death.

This four volume series provides a systematic, comprehensive exposition of Catholic doctrine. At present it is one the very best such series in print. And, most important of all, parents, teachers, and students can be assured that every thing written in these four books is completely faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.


Fernandez, Aurelio, and James Socias, Our Moral Life in Christ: A Basic Course in Moral Theology (Princeton,N.J.:Scepter Publishers, Inc.), l997.

Hayes, Edward J., Rev., and Rev. Msgr.Paul J.Hayes, Dorothy Ellen Kelly, R.N., James J. Drummey, Catholicism and Ethics:A Medical/Moral Handbook (Norwood, MA: C.R.Publications, Inc.), l997.


Caffara, Carlo, Living In Christ: Fundamental Principles of Catholic Moral Teaching (San Francisco: Ignatius Press), l987.

Cessario, Romanus, Introduction to Moral Theology (Washington,D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press), 2001.

May, William E. An Introduction to Moral Theology, (Huntington, Indiania: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division), 1994.

Pinckaers, Servais, Morality: The Catholic View (South Bend, Indiana: St.Augustine’s Press), 200l.

Pinckaers, Servias, The Sources of Christian Ethics (Washington,D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press), l995.
