The Light of Christ : An Introduction to Catholicism, Fr.Thomas Joseph White, O.P. ( a superb exposition of the Catholic faith; it is being described as the single best explanation of the Catholic faith in 50 years)
God is Not Nice: Rejecting Pop Culture and Discovering the God Worth Liviing For, Ulrich Lehner ( a terrific debunking of false views about God in the contemporary world; Wouldn’t this be the perfect title for one of Fr.Altier’s future talks)
Heroism and Genius: How Catholic Priests Helped Build—And Can Help Rebuild –Western Civilization,Fr.William Slattery ( the Catholic book of the year, in my opinion, a magnificent history of the priestly contributions to Western culture: an amazing book every priest should read to be affirmed in his priesthood)
Pioneer Priests and Makeshift Altars: A History of Catholicism in the Thirteen Colonies , Fr.Charles, Connor ( a very fine history of Catholicism in the colonial America by a priest who often lectures on Church history on EWTN)
Teaching and Learning the Love of God: Being a Priest Today , Joseph Ratizinger ( Pope Benedict XVI) ( 60 years of homilies on the priesthood by the master theologian of our time: another perfect gift for every priest )
The Holy Spirit, Fire of Divine Love, Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen, O.C.D. ( a great Carmelite spiritual writer who writes with simplicity but great depth)
Conversion: Spiritual Insights into an Essential Encounter with God ,Fr. Donald Haggerty ( He has written several excellent books on contemplative prayer; this is his third book and it is superb; I could not recommend it highly enough; it would be perfect reading for Lent; Fr.Haggerty is without a doubt one of the finest spiritual writers of our time)