Category: Faith

What Is An Intrinsic Evil?

What Is An Intrinsic Evil?

And What Is Its Significance For The Catholic Voter? A lot of people talk about what is and what isn’t an intrinsic evil. Do we really know how the Catholic Church views the idea...

Polka For the Masses

Polka For the Masses

By George E. Jay M.D. In this review we will evaluate polka music per se, as well as how it pertains to the increasingly common “Polka Mass.” A succinct review of the Catechism of...

Order and Design Require a Supreme Intelligence

Order and Design Require a Supreme Intelligence

By Fr. Marvin Deutsch, M.M. Did you ever stop to think that there could be no order without intelligence? All order presupposes intelligence; for example, could an expert teach a chimpanzee, (probably the smartest...

Redemptive Suffering

Redemptive Suffering

By Father Paul A. Duffner, O.P. It was not in the plan of God that suffering and death be a part of human existence. That they became the lot of the human race was...

Church References Concerning Homosexuality

Church References Concerning Homosexuality

1. CATECHISM #2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms...

Six Guidelines for Living a Fulfilling Life

Six Guidelines for Living a Fulfilling Life

Commencement Address 2010 by Fred Blonigen Father Ubel, Mr. Morehead, Mr. Adkins, Mr. Kimec, fellow teachers and staff, parents, families and friends, and class of 2010: I am exceedingly humbled, honored and grateful to...
