Category: CPO

The Baltimore Catechism Series

The Baltimore Catechism Series

Catholic Parents OnLine begins a new series that will continue on at least a monthly basis.  We will be highlighting a portion of the Baltimore Catechism beginning at the beginning and proceeding to the...

2021 – Andrea Kullman

2021 – Andrea Kullman

On October 31, 2004, CPO lost a true friend and one of our founding Board members, Art Herkenhoff. Art was a hero in all the areas that truly matter: in Faith, family and pro-life...

A Thank You From Russia

A Thank You From Russia

Dear Mrs. Perfect and CPO Board members, At long last I am writing to thank you for the generous gift of the CD’s of Father Altier’s “Series on Marriage” and “Beauty, Truth, Goodness: The...

Is CRT In Minnesota’s Catholic Schools?

Is CRT In Minnesota’s Catholic Schools?

If you send your kids to a Catholic school, you might think that they are protected from the Critical Race Theory indoctrination taking place in many public schools today. Sadly, Catholic schools are not...
