Resenting Chastity
If we are to truly love a person of the opposite sex, we must be able to see much more than the person’s sexual value.
If we are to truly love a person of the opposite sex, we must be able to see much more than the person’s sexual value.
Family Watchdog is a free service to help locate registered sex offenders in your area.
Children with religious parents are better behaved and appear happier than children raised by parents without the influence of religious faith, a new study has shown.
Parents play a crucial role as lead characters in their children’s real-life video, teaching by the words they choose, the actions they take, the expressions on their faces, the time they spend with family...
Social scientists, clinical psychologists, and biologists have begun to clarify some of the social and psychological effects, and neurologists are beginning to delineate the biological mechanisms through which pornography produces its powerful negative effects.
The emotional health of future generations really depends on the state of marriage in a culture.
How can families better live the spirit of Advent and Christmas in their homes?
How surrogacy and egg donation, which first gained national attention in the 1980s, are bringing into the world a class of children beset by confusion, depression, and loss.
The grandfather has lived long enough to know how shallow and ephemeral fads can be.