Volume 1: Issue 1
President’s Corner
Thanks to all of you who attended our Sept. 30th meeting of Catholic Parents OnLine It was a very interesting evening where important information was shared! Now, it would help us tremendously if we could hear the results of your letter writing and phone calling. If you have any information to share with us please call, write, fax or email!
Several parents and teachers have already called and shared with us some of the unpleasant facts about their Catholic high schools. More and more reported problems are surfacing and that is good…because nothing can be corrected until we see it in the “light of day”! We really appreciate receiving any factual information that can be presented to the Archbishop.
Parents have expressed a need to connect with other concerned parents from the same school for support and action. If you would like to know of other parents in your child’s high school who feel the same way you do about the “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender” (GLBT) program, etc., please contact us and we will help you make those connections.
For those of you who haven’t written letters or made phone calls to the Archdiocesan leadership, CEFM, Principals, Board of Directors, etc., I encourage you to do so. It is extremely important that our voices be heard! And most importantly… continue praying!!
I am happy to report that Catholic Parents OnLine is truly on-line with the teachings of the Catholic Church, AND…CPO is now “online”, we have a web site! See us at: Be sure to add your name to the mailing list if you have email. We actually have parents from California and Japan who have signed up and want to hear from us! What a wonderful opportunity to network with people from other dioceses around the world who may be experiencing the same problems. We can certainly learn from one another.
Donations to CPO are greatly appreciated! If you are on our mailing list and choose not to be…please contact us and we will remove your name. Thanks! • Colleen Perfect
CPO Board:
President • Colleen Perfect
Vice President • Phyllis Plum
Board Members •
Fr. Robert Altier, Dick Goar, Corky Gryskiewicz,
Art Herkenhoff, John Trojack, Kurt Virnig
From Our Spiritual Director
In his letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul tells us that our fight is not on the human level, but rather, that it is against “principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph 6:12). For this reason, he goes on to say, we need to make use of the armor of God as opposed to trying to take things into our own hands, and do it ourselves. This armor of God includes truth, righteousness, the Gospel of peace, faith, salvation, the Holy Spirit and prayer (Eph 6:13-18).
We can see from this text that we are engaged in the battle. This means we cannot just sit back and expect God to fix all the problems. St. James said that “faith apart from works is dead” (Jas 2:26). In God’s providence, He has determined to work in this world through His human creatures. Jesus has already won the victory, but we must be engaged in the various battles that arise. Catholic Parents OnLine was formed with this purpose in mind. We see the diabolical attack on our young people and we recognize that we cannot just sit back and hope it gets straightened out. They are God’s children and the fight is His, but we want to cooperate with Him in this endeavor. We propose not to take this battle on according to our own initiative, but through prayer and penance with Faith in the power of God, using all of the armor provided by God Himself, we are willing to engage in the battle.
We need your help! At the very least, please pray for those who are willing to be active in this cause. However, if you believe the Holy Spirit is leading you to be a part of this battle, please contact us at CPO to learn more about how you can help to change hearts and form the consciences of our young people according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church. • Fr. Robert Altier