Volume 2: Issue 3
President’s Corner
It’s hard to believe Catholic Parents OnLine is already celebrating our first year anniversary! Looking back over the year I must admit some of our work has been quite tough and disheartening, but oh, — the victories, though few, were encouraging. Your prayers and support and our faith, keep us hope-filled and energized for the coming year. I know you will share this excitement when you review our many accomplishments this first year:
- CPO has built an excellent Board of Directors. These men and women bring abundant faith and a wealth of talents to CPO. Their energy and dedication is remarkable!
- We’ve helped to establish and continue to assist and support CPO parent groups in most Catholic high schools.
- CPO has an active group of high school alumni.
- CPO has hosted special Masses, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, rosary and Benediction to pray for Catholic Education.
- CPO has produced a Catholic teen television show (more information follows).
- CPO has a regular newsletter to keep interested folks updated.
- CPO has an active web site.
- CPO has done extensive work on discovering and focusing on our group’s core “vocation” and with a strategy to carry out our mission.
- CPO has ongoing contact with Archbishop Harry Flynn, Bishop Campbell, and other archdiocesan officials.
- CPO has an information network in place for identifying the strengths and the weaknesses in the Catholic high schools.
- CPO has established ongoing communication with pastors of parishes who have students in our Catholic high schools.
- CPO was interviewed on the Joyce Harley Show on KKMS, 980AM, Christian Talk Radio.
- CPO has been invited be part of a Catholic high school symposium to set policy on sexual orientation.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Colleen Perfect, President
Crucial Questions for Catholic Parents
The October, 1999 issue of The Catholic Servant, listed some excellent questions for parents to ask before selecting the best Catholic high school for their child.
Questions to ask the administrators or to find out however you can.
Are there any dissenters from the Faith among the faculty?
What is the curriculum of the religion department? Does it correspond to the new Catechism of the Catholic Church? Does the student receive a fundamental overview of the Church’s doctrines, history of the Church, the Scriptures, the Sacraments, and moral teachings?
Are Holy Mass and the Sacraments available on a weekly basis? (Some high schools are seriously negligent in this area).
What kind of retreat programs do you have? What activities take place? What are your goals for these retreats and how are they accomplished? An answer from students, “We really enjoy going on our retreats”, is insufficient.
How does the Faith become integrated in the programs of service and social outreach to the poor and the needy? Is the Catholic school doing more than developing “social do-gooders” or is it producing saints who see that their social actions should be an extension of an interior spiritual life? Does the school see that reaching out to the unborn and needy pregnant women have a part in the social service program?
Does the school have any programs which promote the agenda of those defending homosexual behavior or endorsing the homosexual orientation as a possible good? Are those involved with programs which help students with homosexual tendencies teaching what the Catholic Church teaches or their own personal opinion, such as “the Church’s teaching will ultimately change”?
Does the school have a chapel or does it merely have a multi-purpose room which also serves as a place for concerts and lectures? Is the Blessed Sacrament reserved in the chapel?
Questions to ask faculty in all departments.
– Each teacher has influence on your children, and sometimes it can be a physical education teacher who has more influence concerning the Faith than a religion teacher.
What is the role of the Pope and the Bishops in terms of teaching the truths of the Faith? This is the basic question and the following questions flow from this one.
Do Catholics have a serious responsibility to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation? In other words. is it a mortal sin for someone to miss Mass on those days without a serious reason for missing?
Do you begin and end each class with prayer?
What do you believe about people having pre-marital sex?
What do you think about divorce and remarriage without an annulment?
What do you think about abortion? How should the law protect the pre-born?
What do you think about the ordination of women?
What are your views on homosexuality?
What do you believe about euthanasia and assisted suicide?
What do you think about the use of contraceptives?
Go ahead – ask these important questions. How does your child’s school rate?
CPO is looking for critiques (from a solid Catholic perspective) on the religion and morality curricula currently being used in our Catholic schools. If you have any information in this area please contact us.
What if a group of Catholic teenagers – who know their faith and are striving to love and serve God – had the opportunity to discuss their faith on television?
What if they discoursed about issues they face as teens and explain how their faith is the primary solution to all of their struggles? What if this was aired on a local Catholic TV channel for you, your family, and friends to watch? Well, by the grace of God, it is! Thanks to CPO board member, Maria Schmitz, and a very special group of dedicated volunteers, including some very committed teenagers, the first shows have been produced. The name of CPO’s first show is none other than —
What If!
What If will be aired on Sunday afternoons at 4:00pm on the Twin Cities Channel 53. The first dates of programming are Oct. 10th, Oct. 24th, Nov. 7th, and Nov. 21st at 4:00pm. If you have any ideas or would like to become involved, please contact us at:WhatIfTV@yahoo.com or 612.882.6704. Please keep this new endeavor in your prayers!
You may be asking – What if I can’t get good reception of our local non-cable Channel 53 (“Catholic Views Broadcasts, Inc.”) well, help is just a phone call away. Call PROUT TV (indoor equipment and antennas attached to your TV) at 612-545-1750 or ANTENNA SYSTEMS SPECIALISTS (outdoor antennas and equipment) at 612-941-9067. These two companies work together to bring quality reception of Channel 53 to your home with affordable and appropriate solutions.
You Are Invited…
Come join other Catholic young adults and adults at ROMA 2000, a retreat weekend in preparation for the Jubilee Year 2000. The retreat, entitled The Father’s Merciful Love, will be held on November 12-13, 1999, at St. Raphael’s in Crystal, MN. For more information, please call 651/690-4582 or e-mail to: catholic_mission@hotmail.com