Catholic Parents OnLine begins a new series that will continue on at least a monthly basis. We will be highlighting a portion of the Baltimore Catechism beginning at the beginning and proceeding to the end. Hopefully, when this column is complete, the entire Catechism will be available to our readers. They will have the opportunity to go back at anytime to check on a particular question. This series is our attempt to present with clarity to parents and their children the authentic teaching of the Roman Catholic Church when so much confusion has been sown by individuals, some of whom are within the Church itself.
It is our sincere hope that these truths of the Catholic Church will help everyone to accomplish the first of our very important duties – to know God.
The installments are listed below. Click the part you wish to read.
Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism Volume 4 by Rev. Thomas L. Kinkead
Published by Refuge of Sinners Publishing, Inc., PO Box 100, Pekin, IN, 47165